How coffee has been proven to be beneficial to your health and life.

Turn on the news today, and you could hear reports that coffee is either bad or good for your health. So how do you choose? It is a balance. Yes, some aspects of caffeine maybe not be great, like the fact that it could raise cholesterol or contribute to anxiety. However, on the other side of that, there are many benefits to consuming coffee. One Harvard study noted that moderate intake of 2-5 cups of coffee daily was linked to a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, Parkinson’s disease and depression.
Let’s dive in and highlight five reasons why incorporating coffee into your day is a good thing:
#1 - Coffee can provide an energy boost

Most of us know that coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that can help fight fatigue and increase energy. In fact, how many jokes and memes have you seen or shared related to needing coffee for energy or to get through your day? A recent article from Healthline shows that consuming caffeine helps in exercise longevity and reduces fatigued.
#2 - Coffee has been linked to lowering the risk of Type 2 diabetes
Getting a diagnosis of diabetes is a scary thing. You can increase your exercise and change your diet and have a very positive effect on your diabetes. But did you know that regular consumption of coffee has been shown to decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Better to drink coffee and possibly avoid diabetes altogether. And this isn’t just one study; 30 studies have found that with each cup of coffee, you could possibly reduce the risk of diabetes by 6% because coffee helps preserve pancreas function.
#3 - Coffee is rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants have been proven to have many positive health benefits. From mitigating the risk of heart disease and certain cancers to detoxifying your liver and reducing inflammation, antioxidants are a powerful tool for optimal health. That is great news for coffee lovers because coffee is rich in antioxidants and proven to help with inflammation and increase metabolism.
#4 - You can improve brain health with coffee
Brain health is of great concern for most people, and the increasing prevalence of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is worrisome. We must do whatever we can to reduce the chances of developing these or other neurological disorders. The good news is that coffee has been proven to protect against disorders like this. In fact, 11 observational studies have shown that the more coffee people consume, the less risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and the lower risk of dementia.
#5 - Coffee has been linked to lowering risks for depression
Depression has risen significantly, especially because of the Covid pandemic. Not only is it on the rise, but finding help is even harder. Studies indicate that a positive change in exercise and diet can help. And I did not know that each cup of coffee you drink each day has been linked to reducing the risk of depression by 8%. Another study notes that having 4 cups of coffee a day can significantly lower depression risk and reduce the risk of suicide.
Coffee is good for you; choose a great coffee
It is still important to keep in mind that all things are good in moderation. Drinking too much coffee could have adverse effects that outweigh the good and, in some situations like pregnancy or certain health conditions, require either reduced or no coffee consumption. But if you are in good health and your doctor says it is okay, Bosco’s Beans has numerous freshly roasted coffee options for you to choose from. Check out our store today; we would love to be your preferred coffee.